US EB-5 Immigrant Visa 美国投资移民


Program Overview

US Congress created the fifth employment-based preference (EB-5) immigrant visa category in 1990 for qualified foreigners seeking to invest in a business that will benefit the U.S. economy and create or save at least 10 full-time jobs.

To encourage immigration through the EB-5 program, Congress created a pilot program in 1993. There are approximately 10,000 green cards available each year.

An investor seeking an EB-5 immigrant visa through a direct investment must generally make a qualifying investment of $1.8 million and demonstrate that at least 10 jobs were directly or indirectly created through the investment. Certain rural, high unemployment or Targeted Employment Areas (TEA) qualifies for a lesser capital investment of $900,000.

Before participating in a Direct Investment EB-5 investment program, each investor independently petitions USCIS for an EB-5 visa. Qualified investors investing through a Direct Investment receive a conditional green card valid for two years. The investor, spouse and unmarried children (under age 21 at the time of petition) can then apply for permanent residency based on investment. If approved, the investor and his immediate family become permanent green card holders and can later apply to become U.S. citizens.

Upon receipt of conditional permanent resident status, the investor and immediate family are entitled to the same benefits as other lawful permanent residents.


You can apply for US EB-5 Immigrant Visa by contact:

Mr. Bill Wren

WeChat: billwren

Cell/SMS/WhatsApp: +86 – 186 5206 1897

Email: bill(dot)wren#wrencapital(dot)me

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